


ICOtec Gen 2 GC500 Electronic Game Caller

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Call Features:

  • No Line-Of-Sight Remote Technology
  • Up to 300 Yard Remote Range
  • 200 Professional Sounds Included
  • NEW BIGGER Screen Font
  • NEW Stand Timer
  • NEW Threaded Tripod Mount
  • NEW Save up to 8 Calls in 2 Favorites Screens
  • NEW Pause Call Button
  • NEW On/Off Button & Screen Light (no more timer)
  • NEW More Durable Swivel Antenna
  • Tremendous Battery Life
  • Access to the Best FREE Call Library on the Planet

The GEN2 GC500 offers an outstanding remote technology, up to 300 yards with no line-of-sight required to activate the main speaker unit. The ability for a hunter to remain still and camouflaged the best they can is crucial to being more successful at hunting keen predators. The remote control also has the ability to activate an electronic decoy that can plug into the main speaker unit, giving the hunter another edge over the predator. Suggested product ICOtec AD400 decoy.

Programmability is made easy with the new GEN2 GC500. All calls are loaded and played directly from a standard size SD Media Card. Any custom audio file saved as a .mp3 or a .wav (16 bit or less) file format can be played by the GEN2 GC500. ICOtec has an exclusive FREE audio call library that is accessible from our website. All free calls are encrypted and playable only by an ICOtec programmable caller.

The unit requires 4 AA (1.5 volt batteries) and the remote requires one 9 volt battery. Batteries not included. All synchronization cables and computer USB connection cables are included. Windows PC computer downloads recommended. Light weight, compact, easy to operate, fantastic quality audio calls, very long range remote, low power consumption and one of the lowest prices available for a great programmable call.

GEN2 GC500 Sound List

001 JD Invitation Howl.ico
002 BS Lone Howl.ico
003 JDP Fcyt Lone Howls.ico
004 JDP Mcyt Lone Howls.ico
005 JDP Fcyt Invite Howls.ico
006 JDP Mcyt Invite Howls.ico
007 WT Female Coyote Howl.ico
008 WT Male Coyote Howl.ico
009 ICO Single Coyote Howl.ico
010 ICO Pup Howls.ico
011 JDP Puppy Howls.ico
012 ICO Coyote Barks.ico
013 JDP Cyt Serenade.ico
014 Locator Siren.ico
015 ICO Group Howl.ico
016 ICO Group Howl 2.ico
017 WT Coyote Group Yip.ico
018 ICO Pack Chatter.ico
019 ICO Pup Pack Chatter.ico
020 ICO Challenge Howl.ico
021 ICO Challenge Howl 2.ico
022 ICO Challenge Howl 3.ico
023 JDP Cyt Challenge.ico
024 JDP Cyt Yips.ico
025 JDP Fcyt Whimpers.ico
026 ICO Fcyt Yipping.ico
027 ICO Cage Match.ico
028 ICO Octagon.ico
029 ICO Primal Instinct.ico
030 SH Poots Revenge.ico
031 ICO Raya Fight.ico
032 ICO Pup Death Cry.ico
033 ICO Pup Attack.ico
034 ICO Mad Coyote.ico
035 ICO Battling Coyotes.ico
036 ICO Pup Chatter.ico
037 ICO Pip Squeak.ico
038 ICO Tiny Pup.ico
039 TP Pup Whine.ico
040 ICO Dog Whimper.ico
041 ICO Cyt Whines.ico
042 ICO KO.ico
043 ICO Maniac.ico
044 ICO Novacaine.ico
045 ICO Squealing Pup.ico
046 ICO Pup Screams.ico
047 ICO Pup Squalls.ico
048 ICO Pup Talk.ico
049 ICO Pup Whines.ico
050 ICO Puppy Cries.ico
051 ICO Pups Crying.ico
052 ICO Squallin Pups
053 ICO Squealing Pups.ico
054 SH Cyt Pup
055 WT Cyt Pup Distress.ico
056 ICO Distrurbed Cyt.ico
057 ICO Fussy Coyote.ico
058 ICO Mega Pup.ico
059 ICO Thumper.ico
060 ICO Tiny Bunny.ico
061 ICO Baby Cottontail.ico
062 ICO Bugs Bunny.ico
063 ICO Cottontail Chatter.ico
064 ICO Cottontail Frenzy.ico
065 ICO Desperate Jack.ico
066 ICO Frightened Bunny.ico
067 ICO Jack Rabbit Screams.ico
068 ICO New Jack.ico
069 ICO Sr Cottontail.ico
070 ICO Young Jack.ico
071 JDP Mo Cottonyail.ico
072 JDP Spazz Rabbit.ico
073 JDP Rabbit.ico
074 SB Rabbit.ico
075 WT Cottontail Distress.ico
076  WT Jack Rabbit Distress.ico
077 BS Jack Chatter.ico
078 BC Death Cries.ico
079 BS Cottontail Chatter.ico
080 BFC Hare.ico
081 BFC Hare 2.ico
082 ICO Baby Blackbird.ico
083 ICO Cardinal Distress.ico
084 ICO Chicken Distress.ico
085 ICO Chicken Squawks.ico
086 ICO Ducklings.ico
087 ICO Killdeer.ico
088 ICO Mockingbird Distress.ico
089 ICO Pheasant Distress.ico
090 ICO Robin 1.ico
091 ICO Robin 2.ico
092 JDP Spazz Bird.ico
093 JS Chick.ico
094 ICO Baby Blue Jay.ico
095 ICO Woodpecker.ico
096 RG Baby Sparrow.ico
097 RG Bird Screams.ico
098 RG Flicker 1.ico
099 RG Ficker 2.ico
100 RG Hawk Screams.ico
101 RG Turkey Distress.ico
102 RG Woodpecker Whailing.ico
103 WT Woodpecker Distress.ico
104 BFC Guinea Fowl.ico
105 BS Bizzy Bird.ico
106 BS Crazy Bird.ico
107 ICO Baby Grackle.ico
108 RG Red Fox Fiasco.ico
109 RG Red Fox Fight.ico
110 RG Red Fox Whistling.ico
111 SH Red Fox Pup.ico
112 WT Gray Fox Distress.ico
113 WT Red Fox Distress.ico
114 ICO Grey Fox Barks.ico
115 RG Fennec Fox Fight.ico
116 RG Fox Whistle.ico
117 RG Fox Whistle.ico
118 RG Grayfox Screams.ico
119 ICO Mouse Chatter.ico
120 ICO Rat Distress.ico
121 RG Fisher.ico
122 RG Muskrat Baby.ico
123 WT Mouse Voles.ico
124 BFC Coaxer.ico
125 BFC Rat Distress
126 BRS Shrew.ico
127 ICO Baby Squirrel.ico
128 ICO Groundhog Pup.ico
129 RG Fawn Screams.ico
130 WT Fawn Distress.ico
131 TH Whitetail Fawn.ico
132 BFC Orphan Lamb.ico
133 ICO Blind Goat.ico
134 ICO Fawn Chatter.ico
135 RG Baby Sheep.ico
136 RG Elk Calf.ico
137 ICO Crying Kittens.ico
138 ICO Feral Cat Distress.ico
139 ICO Hungry Kittens.ico
140 WT Bobcat Adult.ico
141 WT Bobcat In Heat.ico
142 ICO Coon Chatter.ico
143 ICO Coon Distress.ico
144 ICO Coon Fight 1.ico
145 ICO Coon Fight 2.ico
146 ICO Coon Screams.ico
147 ICO Coon Twitters.ico
148 ICO Baby Raccoon.ico
149 ICO Baby Raccoon Distress.ico
150 ICO Baby Coon Fight.ico
151 ICO Baby Coon Squabble.ico
152 RG Coon Babies.ico
153 RG Coon Fight.ico
154 TP Baby Coon.ico
155 WT Raccoon Baby Distress.ico
156 ICO Crow Gang.ico
157 ICO Crow Rally.ico
158 ICO Sunrise Crow.ico
159 RG Crow Chatter.ico
160 RG Crow Talk.ico
161 WT Crow Baby Distress.ico
162 WT Cro and Barred Owl.ico
163 ICO Angry Pig.ico
164 Baby Pig Distress.ico
165 ICO Hungry Pigs.ico
166 RG Wild Hog.ico
167 ICO Wolf Howl 1.ico
168 ICO Wolf Howl 2.ico
169 ICO Wolf Howl 3.ico
170 ICO Wolf Howl 4.ico
171 ICO Wolf Rally.ico
172 WT Timber Wolf Howl.ico
173 WT Timber Wolf Pup Distress.ico
174 ICO Buck Grunts.ico
175 ICO Estrous Bleets w/Buck Grunts.ico
176 ICO Estrous Bleets.ico
177 ICO Excited.ico
178 ICO Long Buck Grunts.ico
179 ICO Rattling.ico
180 WT Whitetail Buck Grunts.ico
181 WT Whitetail Buck Snort Wheeze.ico
182 RG Bull Elk
183 RG Cow Elk.ico
184 WT Snow Geese Feeding
185 WT Snow Geese Flying
186 BG Bear Cub.ico
187 RG Black Bear Cub.ico
188 ICO African Feeding Frenzy.ico
189 ICO Hyena 1.ico
190 ICO Hyena 2.ico
191 ICO Jackal Howling.ico
192 ICO Jackals Howling.ico
193 LS Bull Grunt 1.ico
194 LS Bull Rattle.ico
195 LS Cow Moose Call.ico
196 LS Estrous Cow.ico
197 LS Hot Estrous Cow.ico
198 LS Bull Grunt 2.ico
199 WT Turkey Gobbles.ico
200 WT Turkey Yelps.ico

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 10 × 8 in